In a Q&A blog post, Blizzard outlined some of the changes that players can expect to get in the mobile free-to-play game over the next few weeks and months. The changes could be designed to assist players to catch up after having Diablo IV Gold taken time off from the game and fallen behind.Walking Dead and Sons of Anarchy," said Rod Fergusson director of general management for Diablo. "These are very dark and sombre topics and thematically dark, but they are also mainstream. We thought that this was an opportunity to sort of embrace Diablo's roots , and bring it into the spotlight and bring it into the mainstream."
The one who sets the tone for this darker world is the main protagonist, Lilith. Lilith is an ancestor of Mephisto which is one Of the Major Evils and is known as the Mother of Sanctuary, the world in which the Diablo series takes place. Unlike previous games where there was a slow buildup to the main villain behind all the evils of the world, Blizzard set Lilith up on the frontline from the very first cutscene.
The playable build begins in Fractured Peaks. My hero's horse being killed leaving him in a cave for alone for the whole night. From the caves came the first stop, Nevesk, a very small town that isn't exactly as they appear. Lilith is already making an effect on the people who lived there but her true strength lies in having individuals indulge in their dark side. This was the very first interaction my character had with other NPCs and it was evident that the creators intended to give the protagonist more of a role within the story by having their own dialogue as well as playing parts within the cuts.
In the city of Nevesk where Lilith's impact on the people of Sanctuary cheap Diablo 4 Gold is demonstrated. There's more to her that just being evil, which makes the stage for her to be an interesting antagonist when compared with the other Great Evils of previous Diablo titles. Although her plan of attack isn't immediately apparent, Lilith's presence is instantly felt and was planned by the developers.