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2 min read
“Faith” (or, A Ride on the Viper), part 2
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 Now, what do you suppose prompted my friend’s former colleague to phone-call him, on this particular day? Ten...

2 min read
Dead-Ends and Detours
Sunday, May 11, 2008 You know how you wait and wait and wait for the chance to have that coveted interview, and then finally the day...

2 min read
Brainwaves and Canyons
Apparently your brainwaves wash over and cut through your cerebral cortex much like melting snow washes over and cuts through the side of...

2 min read
Grass Between My Toes
Monday, April 21, 2008 Our mini small group met tonight and discussed the first week of our prayer experiment: praying daily the prayer,...

1 min read
Good Friday at a Quarter Past 7
Thursday, March 20, 2008 An old man stumbled into the Good Friday service that I was attending, 15 minutes after the start of the...

3 min read
Valentines Day in India
February 14, 2008 Armur, India HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to you all. American Greetings and Hallmark have managed to convince the Indians that...

4 min read
Dr. Madhu
Friday, February 28, 2008 Armur, Andhra Pradesh, India We didn’t really know what to expect of our meeting with Dr. Madhu. The local...

3 min read
Signs and Wonders in Armur
February 16, 2008 Tom whispered into the little girl’s ear in front of a crowd of about 4,000. Everyone watched and waited to see what...

3 min read
Learning From a Hindu Master
Wednesday, February 14 Hyderabad, India Satyam insisted. I guess I had stirred up some excitement in him from his glory days as a Yoga...

2 min read
Joti in Challapalli
I didn’t know who or when. I just knew it would happen. That God would speak into my soul deep compassion for His people. It happened...

2 min read
First Impressions of India
Hyderabad, India Two things I’m learning right off—grab sleep when you can, and grab food when you can. Got four hours of sleep last...

2 min read
The Day Nathan Stopped By
I come to work each day and settle in at “Cube 55.” There’s about 79 cubes in all and from where I sit I can see all but two rows of them...

1 min read
America on July 4, 2020
The patriotism of our nation's citizens will be on display tomorrow, July 4, 2020, in town squares, county parks and down country roads....

1 min read
A Conservative Evangelical's Resistance to Trumpism and What's At Stake
I just ordered the book, MAGA Seduction: Resisting the Debasement of the Christian Conscience, by Patrick Kahnke. Pat was a pastor in St....
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