Each of these six-word stories have been written by friends and acquaintances, as a means to "best describe 2020" in a "Six-Word Story. Here's an example of a Six Word Story by Ernest Hemmingway, the writer credited with its invention: "For Sale. Baby Shoes, never worn."
The winner of this year's "Six-Word Story" event is Deb Nielsen, with her entry of:
"Daily political frenzy. Anxious lonely solitude."
These TOP FIVE received the second highest vote totals, earning "Honorable Mention."
Don’t worry, be ... well, drink bleach.
Public Health Rejected for Liberty’s Sake.
A Year of Missing and Hope
Hardship for everyone. Not yet resolved.
The best is yet to come
Below are all 64 "Six-Word Stories" that were submitted to best describe 2020:
"Rarely binary. Falsely dichotomous, even paradoxical."
--Ronn Seim
"I'm fine. It's just a cough."
"You think I'll make you sick?"
"Mom tested positive. Call me later."
--Lucy Grandahl
“Don’t worry, be ... well, drink bleach.”
“2020 – Let’s try to re-install it.”
“2018, 2019, 2021, Whoops – missed one.”
“Self-isolating, Quarancleaning, Superspreader, Covidiot, Karen, Schadenfreude.”
“Please, can I wake up now?”
“2020: An introverts dream come true.”
“What should I wear? “Sweatpants again”.
“2020: Please Lord. Let it end.”
“Amazing”, “huge”, “bigly”, “tired of winning”.
“Christmas where? I’ll take the basement.”
--Randy Nielsen
“Dear God, please help... Not heard?”
--Larry Nielsen
“The best is yet to come”
“Spread love not virus, thank you.”
--Luke Gartland
“A year of missing and hope.”
--Kathy Thunholm
“United apart for a better future”
--Bre Thunholm
"For many, science is alternative theory."
--Phil Adams
“Lessons, challenges, and people coming together."
--Luke & Bre"
Vaccines are coming. Trump is going."
"COVID spread. Life disrupted nearly everywhere."
"Innocent children deliberately separated. When reunited?"
"Central Park white ‘Karen’: Plea deal."
"Money wasted on a border wall."
"Awful COVID. Death and vaccines coming."
"We tell others who to love."
"Distressing: people have lost their livelihoods."
"Money wasted on a border wall."
--Larry Nielsen
"Ding Dong Donald Trump is Gone."
--Arthur Schoonmaker
"New Year, George Floyd, Ashamed, Quarantined."
--Sam Riemensnide
"Public Health Rejected for Liberty’s Sake."
--Phil Adam
"Nurses, Teachers, Counselors sacrificed for Liberty."
"Patriarchy fails pandemic, expects uncompensated she-heros.
"Nurses, teachers, counselors sacrificed for liberty."
"Propagandized denial continues. And global warming."
"Stock market stimulated. Not main street."
"Election. Fear and scapegoats almost prevail."
--Phil Adam
Thank God for golf during COVID!
--Terry Van Note
"Fire, COVID, Locusts, Hurricanes, please 2021!"
--Jennifer Meng
"Home alone—with no toilet paper."
--Merlajean Gartland (disqualified from winning)
"Cancellations, new hobbies, prayers under masks."
--Janie Anderson
"Masks - aren’t just for surgeons anymore."
--Jennifer Meng
"Daily political frenzy, anxious lonely solitude."
--Deb Nielsen
"Send Help! Trapped in my house!"
--Jennifer Meng
"Yippee. We survived COVID and Trump."
"My story: lived, laughed, loved, lasted."
--Randy Nielsen
"Zoom, FaceTime, Internet. Craving human contact."
--Deb Nielsen
"We came. We stayed. We remain."
"We surmised. We thrived. We survived."
“Have story – but, sorry, no time”
--Randy Nielsen
"Working at Home. Snacks too close!"
--Larry Nielsen
"More and more, COVID keeps killing."
--Larry Nielsen
"Another medical technician died Tuesday night."
--Larry Nielsen
"Started okay. Then year went downhill."
"Escape the madness? No, got worse."
"From night pajamas to day pajamas."
"No! Running out of toilet paper. "
"Multiple troubles surfaced. Most conclusions unknown."
"Hardship for everyone. Not yet resolved."
"We need immigrants. Keep them out."
"Who are the Pseudorabdion of 2020?"
"Troublesome year, temporary New Year’s cheer."
--Larry Nielsen